Greece or Rome?

Wednesday night saw the latest iteration of the Cranleigh-Reed’s Classics debate. 18 intrepid Classicists made their way up the A3 to lend…

Wednesday night saw the latest iteration of the Cranleigh-Reed’s Classics debate. 18 intrepid Classicists made their way up the A3 to lend their voices to the debate that has raged for thousands of years: which is better, Greece or Rome? Our team, Ella, Josh and Jess, supported by expert researcher Nick and cheered on by their comrades-in-arms, spoke with elegance, precision and wit in favour of Greece. They landed no few blows on their opponents while fashioning a robust and learned case for their own side. They hit a standard never before seen in this traditional event, their speeches ranging elegantly across medicine, literature, art, imperialism and more besides. In the end, however, they were slightly overmatched by their hosts in a tight and contested points decision. Nevertheless, the evening was hugely enjoyable, rewarding, and a wonderful advert for the Classical spirit.

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to our colleagues at Reed’s for hosting the event, in particular, Kate Morland, Head of Classics, and the chief judge David Atkins. We look forward to the next round next year!

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