What is the EPQ?

The EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) is available to students undertaking Sixth Form study, is equivalent to half an A Level and is graded A* to E. It carries a maximum of 28 UCAS points and has been widely welcomed by universities since it helps students to develop skills in thinking and independent learning. More Cranleighans are now receiving HE offers based on their EPQ.

There are four different types of project that students can undertake; they may choose to write a dissertation, carry out an investigation, give a performance or create an artefact. The EPQ has become a fast growing option in schools, with over 40,000 entries in 2019. , Cranleigh’s Director of Learning, Teaching and Innovation is one of the pioneers responsible for the national development of the EPQ and is a Chief Examiner of the qualification.

The EPQ at Cranleigh

Why do an EPQ?

The EPQ is fun, challenging and exciting and is also excellent as preparation for university and working life. It promotes the development of capacities for independent learning, research and critical thinking. The EPQ provides students an exciting and enjoyable opportunity to work on topics which are related to their personal interests and plans for life beyond school. Students have a free choice of title for their project and are encouraged to pick topics which they find interesting and helpful as a pathway to their future.

What do universities think?

EPQ gives students a taste of what university life is like whilst they are still in the Sixth Form. They learn to take charge of the direction of their studies and are taught how to carry out a large scale project with support from a supervisor. It is highly valued by many universities as it provides an excellent preparation for life beyond the Sixth Form.

The University of Southampton was the first to introduce an alternative offer scheme for applicants who excel in the EPQ…This additional offer reflects our confidence in the EPQ as an excellent preparation for the kinds of independent study necessary for students to succeed at a research intensive university such as Southampton.

— The University of Southampton

An EPQ can benefit your application as applicants who take the EPQ and meet our offer criteria will be made the standard offer for their course, plus an alternative offer which will be one grade lower plus a grade A in the EPQ (though please note that this excludes our Medicine (A100) and Dentistry (A200) courses)

— Birmingham

We welcome the Extended Project and would encourage applicants to undertake one as it will help to develop independent study and research skills valuable for higher education

— Cambridge

What will it involve?

During the first term of the Sixth Form, all students will follow a taught course designed to teach skills in independent learning, thinking, research, discussion and debate. Project work will be completed by the end of the Lower Sixth Form. Students will work with a project supervisor who will oversee all aspects of the project process, meeting weekly to discuss progress. Having completed their projects, students give a short (10 minute) oral presentation in which they review their project and discuss its main points.


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Learning Support

Academic Overview

Academic Enrichment

Higher Education

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