Thank you to the following donors and funders for supporting the Cranleigh Foundation for the past 15 years.
We are also indebted to more than 1,000 families who have regularly supported the Cranleigh Foundation through contributing a donation on their child’s termly invoice. Since this scheme began in 2008, we have raised £2.92m. Last term, two-thirds of our parents contributed in this way.
Mark and Susannah Adorian | Chris and Deborah Allen |
Liz Andrews | Robert Ashworth |
Mike Bacon | Mark and Fiona Barbour-Smith |
Clive and Anne Biddick | George Birks |
Jonathan Botting | John Bowler |
Edward and Isabel Braham | David Bugge |
John Burree | Buttle UK |
The Cloete Family | Neil Coles |
John Cooke | Eds Copleston |
Simon Copleston | Dudley Couper |
Jeremy Cowdrey | Peter Cowling |
Sarah and Sam Crompton | Andrew Cronk |
Allen and Heather Dean | Nicholas Dunphy |
Will and Jane Durston | Richard Edgell |
Christopher Elliott | Brian Evamy |
Peter Evison | The Reilly Family |
John Farrar | William Faure Walker |
Mike Fawcett | Ian and Margaret Ferguson |
Neil Ferguson | In memoriam for Michael CC Ford |
Frangopoulos Family | Henry Goold |
Robson Green | Ted Greeno |
Sarah Greenwood | Andrew and Lesley Griffiths |
Christian and Tracy Hanssen | Drummond and Helen Hall |
Richard Harris | Andrew Harting |
Christopher Hill | William and Caroline Hill |
Tony Ho | Richard and Karol House |
David Hubbard | Bradley Hurst |
Paul Jackson | John Jessup |
Rick and Melissa Johnson | Tim Kemp |
Jonathan Knight | Adrian and Rachel Lajtha |
Keith and Carole Langmead | Lazard (match-fund of donation by Joanna Rivers) |
Ling Cow Shipping Club | Mark and Sally Little |
Peter Little | William and Sandra Littlewood |
Richard Loates | Jules Lloyd-Davies |
Jules Lowrie | Geoffrey Marsh |
Ben and Laura Mason | Richard Maylam |
Rob Merry | Nick Meyer |
Meyer and Rivers family | Stephen and Christina Mockford |
Carolyn Nichols | Hamish Ogston |
Old Cranleighan Society | Stuart Olley |
Philip Parker | D’Arcy Payne |
Mike and Veronica Payne | Christopher Penney |
Dominique and Dan Pilling | Pinewood Structures Limited |
Dick and Lucy Powell | Nicholas Read |
Martin and Amanda Reader | Reedham Children’s Trust |
The Reilly Family | Keith Richmond |
Juan and Becky Rodriguez | Christian Roberts |
Patrick and Hetty Roberts | Royal National Children’s SpringBoard Foundation |
Miklos and Sally Salamon | Peter Sandberg |
John Sandy | Susannah Schofield |
John Schofield | James Sherborne |
Andrew Sindall | Helen Skates |
Stuart Sleeman | Tom Stedman |
Richard Sturt | Gill and Richard Sykes |
Nick Thorne | Anthony and Carolyn Townsend |
Barry Tunnicliffe | Guy and Hilli Waller |
Henry Watkinson | Sam, Harry and Poppy Watkinson |
Ian Webb | David and Sara Westcott |
Peter Whybrow | Christopher Williams |
Jonathan Williams | Martin and Mel Williamson |
Steven Williamson | David Willis |
Matt and Jules Wright | In addition, there are 74 donors who wish to remain anonymous |