Although we welcome both boarding and day pupils our school is full boarding in spirit; day pupils are fully included in house life and contribute much to its vitality. Pupils of all year groups are bonded by their inherent love of joining in; no-one at Cranleigh likes to stand still and that includes staff as well as pupils.

Fourth formers and others new to house life often comment on the friendliness between pupils and especially between year groups. Leavers will always testify to the lasting friendships they made at Cranleigh. Our alumni association is equally faithful and we are always delighted to see Old Cranleighans return to School.

To hear about boarding from our eight Housemistresses and Housemasters, please watch the film below.

Boarding at Cranleigh

Where next?

The House Structure

Our Houses

Boarding FAQs

Steer Champion School Logo Awarded to Cranleigh School in Surrey
Education Choices Award Finalist 2024
Steer Champion School Logo Awarded to Cranleigh School in Surrey