Our broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum is the hallmark of a Cranleigh education. Exam success is important and our outstanding results highlight our commitment to academic excellence. However, our ethos is not to simply coach our pupils to pass examinations, so we work hard to nurture an environment where critical thinking, creativity and independent thought are championed.
We are firm believers in independent study outside of the classroom and homework/prep is part of our academic culture. In the Lower School, staff will set approximately 90 minutes of work each night. Sixth Formers do not have a specified prep time, but should expect to spend at least two hours a day either completing work set by their teachers or studying independently. We are conscious of the balance of academic and co-curricular activities, which is monitored by Housemasters and Housemistresses.
Subject Offer
On entering Year 9, all pupils study Biology, Chemistry, English, a modern language (either French or Spanish), Geography, History, Mathematics, Physics and Religious Studies. In addition, a pupil will choose either Latin or Classical Civilisation as well as choosing three from the following six options: Art, Design, Drama, French (as a second language), Greek or Music.
Cranleigh Thinking
Cranleigh Thinking is all about teaching through asking questions, following the example of Socrates. It is based four principles:
- Teaching through questioning
- Learning through thinking
- Dialogue not monologue
- Teaching to think, not teaching to the test
Learning Support
We want every Cranleighan to reach their full potential. Our Learning Support team helps to make this a reality by providing targeted and tailored interventions to those who need a helping hand. Our main focus is supporting those with identified specific learning difficulties. However, we also offer regular sessions to those in examination years; mostly to help with revision and examination technique.
"Supportive knowledgeable staff that bring out all the children’s hidden abilities and talents."
Academic Enrichment
Our extensive and wide-ranging academic enrichment programme is designed to encourage our pupils to question convention and challenge their perspective of the world. Through our extensive lecture series, scholars programme and academic societies, we are proud to be a school that brims with ingenuity.