Paul Dunn

Paul Dunn

Director of Operations

David Eaglestone

David Eaglestone

Head of Instrumental Studies

Emma Edwards

Emma Edwards

Livery Yard Manager

Oliver Edwards

Oliver Edwards

Teacher of Economics and Business Studies

Melanie Elliott

Melanie Elliott

Recruiting & HR Assistant

Dom Emley

Dom Emley

Deputy Housemaster (Loveday)

Amanda Evans

Amanda Evans

Graphic Designer

Sue Fairbrother

Sue Fairbrother

Head of Safeguarding

Faye Farrant

Faye Farrant

School Governor

Tim Fearn

Tim Fearn

Physics Teacher

Krystle Flack

Krystle Flack

Head of Learning Support

Laura Fleischer

Laura Fleischer

School Nurse

Alex Forsdike

Alex Forsdike

Director of Admissions

Laura French

Laura French

Head of Dance

David Futcher

David Futcher

Assistant Head Digital Strategy

Charlotte Gangemi

Charlotte Gangemi

Assistant Head of Maths

Becs Gibson

Becs Gibson

Teacher of Religion and Philosophy

Lampros Gkikontis

Lampros Gkikontis

Teacher of Physics

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